On Wednesday 16 April 2008, 16:06, Mick wrote:
> Hi All,
> I was trying to scp a file which had spaces in its name; e.g.
> This\ is\ the\ name\ of\ it.txt
> But scp would fail each time saying that the name is ambiguous (or
> something similar).  I also tried enclosing the name in 'single', or
> "double" quotes, but it wouldn't have any.
> What's the right way of doing this?
> Both boxen running gentoo and I was using bash shell.


$ scp 'This is the name of it.txt' [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/dst/dir


$ scp [EMAIL PROTECTED]:'/src/dir/This is the name of it.txt' /dst/dir

depending on who's local and who's remote, should work.

If neither does, post the actual command you were using.

PS: Of course, if only that file begins with that characters, you can 
cheat and do

$ scp [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/src/dir/This* /dst/dir
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