080423 Net Warrior wrote:
> Gentoo seems to be (my first 24 hours) a very robust system

Yes, it is very reliable & this list is usually helpful.

> tried ubuntu, a mess 

That was my own reaction on the  1  occasion I tried it (smile).

> I come from a freebsd land and gentoo has all I have in freebsd,
> portage is what I like most, the way to be upto date with ports,
> emerge does a good job, like portsnap/pkg_tools does for freebsd.

IIRC Gentoo was based on FreeBSD, though it has developed a lot since.

> The only thing I found weird is the installation,
> the need to do all the stuff by hand,
> just a basic install like bsd does ( 100 MB )
> and then install the rest fro  the network would be nice,
> I'm too lazy to do paritioning/swap/choot

Think of it as like joining the Freemasons:
the trial-by-fire of installing Gentoo keeps out the unfit (grin).
I made  5 pp  of notes when installing on my newly-built box 2007-10-xx ,
but now everything is working even better than after my 1st install 2003 .

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ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|  Centre for Urban & Community Studies
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto
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