On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 09:43:09AM +0200, Penguin Lover [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> I use lyx 1.5.4 with tetex on a Gentoo computer. It works fine;
> I'm thinking about switching to texlive, as tetex seems on a deadend. Has 
> anyone
> done it yet ? Got any problem ? How does LyX work with it ?
> Please let me know,

1) Yes, switched to TexLive (on at least one box)
2) No, no problems that I can remember. Just need to follow the guide
   and make sure to select the modules you need with USE flags.
3) Don't use lyx, so dunno. But all of my vim keymaps still work, and
   all of my old tex files still parse, so I can't think of any reason
   why lyx will be any worse for it. 

"`Er, hey Earthman...'
`Arthur,' said Arthur.
`Yeah, could you just sort of keep this robot with you and 
guard this end of the passageway. OK?'
`Guard?' said Arthur. `What from? You just said there's no 
one here.'
`Yeah, well, just for safety, OK?' said Zaphod.
`Whose? Yours or mine?'"

- Arthur drawing the short straw on Magrathea. 
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