On Thu, May 01, 2008 at 06:12:19PM +0200, Wolf Canis wrote:
> Michael George wrote:
> |
> | It was /etc/man-conf.  A change in the NROFF definition caused the
> | problem.  Running dispatch-conf didn't prompt me for the config change,
> | so I ran etc-update this time and found it.
> |
> | Hopefully this will be helpful for someone.
> Hello,
> yes it's helpful, but I used etc-update and was to fast and
> can't remember what are the changes. Could you give me an idea of the
> working NROFF definition?
> For now, I solved it by changing the MANPAGER variable to "less". I had
> set MANPAGER to "vimmanpager". Perhaps I have a additional  problem?

Here is the NROFF definition which did *not* work:
NROFF    /usr/bin/nroff -mandoc

This is my NROFF setting now, and from before I had the problem, which
*does* work:
NROFF    /usr/bin/nroff -Tascii -c -mandoc

I hope this can be helpful to many of you out there.


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        Those who can count in binary and those who cannot.

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