On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 10:06 AM, Alan McKinnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Friday 02 May 2008, Mark Knecht wrote:
>  > My Windows Vista laptop ate the big one from M$ and died under the
>  > weight of Windows Update. The hardware seems to check out fine
>  > overnight so I'm going to finally do dual boot on this machine like I
>  > wanted to when I bought it.
>  >
>  > Data:
>  >
>  > 80GB hard drive
>  > 2GB DRAM
>  >
>  > Questions:
>  >
>  > 1) What's the recommended order to install dual boot today. I prefer
>  > to go Gentoo first, XP second. Any issues?
>  All of this is mostly my own viewpoint from experience. There may be
>  other ways:
>  Other way round. Windows operating systems have a nasty habit of
>  assuming they are the only system on the machine and merrily trash
>  everything in sight for their own nefarious purposes. Then they
>  overwrite any existing bootloader. I do this:
>  Install XP. If you can get it to limit the partition size it uses, so
>  much the better
>  Resize windows partition downwards with Linux LiveCD. Most recent ones
>  support this.
>  Install Linux and set up a chainloader as normal in grub to boot windows
>  Finally boot Windows and let it do what it wants with the partitions
>  that need checking. This is expected behaviour caused by the downward
>  resize
>  > 2) What recommendations do folks have about splitting an 80GB drive
>  > up. I'm thinking of maybe 50-60GB for Gentoo, followed by Win XP
>  > using 20-30GB at the end of the drive. Partitions? I'm considering:
>  >
>  > sda1 -> /boot = 50MB
>  > sda2 -> swap (unsure whether I should dedicate 4GB to this. That's 5%
>  > of my drive and I won't likely ever use all of 2GB or RAM.)
>  > sda3 -> /var = 2GB
>  > sda4 ==extended
>  > sda5 -> / balance of Linux side, say 55GB
>  > sda6 == Windows drive C:
>  Again, you have to take account of windows brain-deadedness and the even
>  greater braindeadedness of windows "administrators". They don't expect
>  boot partitions....
>  I would allocate as little as possible for windows itself. Say 10G,
>  which allows for the OS plus it's virtual memory file plus other cache
>  stuff
>  From sda2 onwards, lay out your partitions as for a regular Linux
>  installation. Use your own preferences for swap, lvm, filesystems etc.
>  Being able to share data between both OSes is useful, so leave the most
>  space possible for data: You have two options:
>  FAT32. This is gross and gives you no security. It's also the easiest as
>  both OSes support it out the box.
>  Ext3/ReiserFS: Better solution security-wise but requires some setup.
>  You have to download and install windows drivers from sourceforge.
>  There's a third option - use the ntfs-ng driver in Linux. It seems just
>  silly to use this for your main data storage though.

First, thanks to everyone for the quick answers.

1) I'll go with Windows first. That's relatively fast and if I run
into hardware problems it will show up more quickly which is good.
Saves me the time of doing the Gentoo install and then finding issues.

2) If I do Windows first then /dev/sda1 will be NTFS. Does this change
how I install grub? I'm a little fuzzy as to where the MBR is. Is it
in the first partition or in a special area by itself? The commands
from the install guide is this:

livecd conf.d # grub
grub> root (hd0,0)
grub> setup (hd0)

I presume I'll use

grub> root(hd0,4)

to point at my root and still use

grub> setup (hd0) to get grub installed into the MBR?

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