Willie Wong schrieb:
On Mon, May 05, 2008 at 09:30:52PM +0200, Justin wrote:
* app-office/openoffice

    Mon Mar 10 18:35:42 2008 >>> app-office/openoffice-2.3.1-r1
      merge time: 3 hours, 11 minutes and 4 seconds.

    Mon Apr 21 11:18:22 2008 >>> app-office/openoffice-2.4.0
      merge time: 1 hour, 15 minutes and 27 seconds.

    Sat Apr 26 11:55:21 2008 >>> app-office/openoffice-2.4.0
      merge time: 3 hours, 1 minute and 37 seconds.

q6600 with 2GB RAM

1 hour and 15 minutes? Now you are just showing off.
It the truth, it was insanely fast. But as you can see the second time was much slower. I can't remember how that worked.
Since we've come this far, I really want to know what is your virtual p*n*s length:
echo `uptime|grep days|sed 's/.*up \([0-9]*\) day.*/\1\/10+/'; cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep '^cpu MHz'|awk '{print 
$4"/30 +";}';free|grep '^Mem'|awk '{print $3"/1024/3+"}'; df -P -k -x nfs -x smbfs | grep -v 
'1024-blocks' | awk '{if ($1 ~ "/dev/(scsi|sd)"){ s+= $2} s+= $2;} END {print s/1024/50"/15 
+70";}'`|bc|sed 's/\(.$\)/.\1cm/'

my desktop only gets its 65.3cm because of its 514 day uptime.
Your desktop has an uptime of 1 and half year?

What does this XXcm value mean?

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