Hey all,

I'm not having any luck figuring out what's going on here, so I hope you can help. I have Thunderbird to display all messages in text, as I prefer that over html. However, some text messages display in a smaller and lighter font than the rest. It's really annoying since one of the reasons for text-only is to have every message the same.

I don't see any commonality between the messages that display differently. Every time I think I see one, I find another message with the same feature that displays normally. I see this happen across all my email accounts, and on all mailing lists.

Examples (found in gentoo-user)

[Multiple error messages for each keystroke in nano] from Bob Young

[Re: Multiple error messages for each keystroke in nano] from Francesco Talamona
smaller, lighter font

Ian Hilt's response to [Re: Multiple error messages for each keystroke in nano]

I've found some 8-bit messages that are normal, some that are not.
Ditto for 7-bit and unspecified encodings.

I've seen people send both normal and odd messages. Most of my messages are normal, but some are not. Sometimes it seems like odd messages "infect" responses in the thread, but I've also found cases where it doesn't, or a message in the thread reverts to normal appearance.

Any ideas, because I'm completely lost on this one. Google searches just bring up stuff on html messages or changing default Thunderbird settings.

gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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