assuming you've got your make.conf setup appropriately, the overlay will take precisidence.

source /usr/portage/local/layman/make.conf


On May 17, 2008, at 6:26 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've just started to use layman tools and wondered if setting such
things as /etc/portage/package.use would still be done in that same
place and same way?

I want to install an overlay of emacs-cvs but with different use flags

I'm following along with the instruction at:

On my laptop I run Gentoo Linux. Getting the latest version of Emacs on Gentoo was a breeze! :

   * Setup Layman
   * Add the emacs overlay: sudo layman -a emacs
   * Add the following USE flags for app-editors/emacs-cvs: sudo
     flagedit app-editors/emacs-cvs X Xaw3d alsa gif gzip-el jpeg
     lesstif png sound spell tiff toolkit-scroll-bars xpm -gtk
     -hesiod -motif -source.
   * GTK support is explicitly turned off as it causes problems with
     multi-TTY. This is no biggie for me as I always have
     (menu-bar-mode -1) and (tool-bar-mode -1) set.
   * Emerge: sudo emerge emacs-cvs -va
* Tell the system to use the new emacs: sudo eselect emacs set emacs-23-multi-tty

To get emacs-multitty set up.  It isn't really clear what role layman
plays in those instructions since the final command is
 emerge emacs-cvs

Or will that automatically use the layman overlays.

Or maybe the author assumes I don't already have emacs installed from

I realize this is a little offhanded since its asking advice about 2nd
party instructions.  But I have no experience whatever with layman or
using overlays at all.  So thought maybe better to ask here than
directly to the author of those instructions.

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