On 31 May 2008, at 21:01, Marc Blumentritt wrote:


I want to modify PATH for every user by adding this file in /etc/ env.d:

hive env.d # cat 99busybox
hive env.d # ls -l 99busybox
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 14 2008-05-31 21:46 99busybox

Neither env-update && . /etc/profile nor a reboot adds /bblinks to my PATH.

Any advice?

$ grep ^PATH /etc/env.d/*
/etc/env.d/05gcc-i386-pc-linux-gnu:PATH="/usr/i686-pc-linux-gnu/gcc- bin/4.1.1" /etc/env.d/05gcc-i686-pc-linux-gnu:PATH="/usr/i686-pc-linux-gnu/gcc- bin/4.1.2" /etc/env.d/20java:PATH=/opt/sun-jdk- jdk-
$ grep PATH .*
.bashrc:export PATH="/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:${PATH}"

The path in my .bashrc adds to the existing path, but maybe you have something else there?

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