On Mon, 16 Jun 2008 16:44:10 -0700, Grant wrote:

> >> postup() {
> >>        set -xv
> >>        if [[ ${IFACE} == "ath0" ]] ; then
> >>                iwconfig ath0 rate 2M
> >>        fi
> >>        return 0
> >> }  
> >
> > What is wrong, the syntax looks fine. Does running the iwconfig
> > manually after connection work?  
> I can't test the computer that's having the issue right now, but it
> outputs some strange stuff like:
> /a/t/h/0/

Try it without the set line, this is not running in a bash shell. If you
need information as the script runs, echo it to a file and tail that

Neil Bothwick

"Bother," said Pooh, more from force of habit than anything else.

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