Daniel Pielmeier schrieb:
OK, I'll try again tomorrow. This does prompt a couple questions:

 1. How does one know when not to do a sync/update so that one
    can avoid these problems?  Is there a database broken
    ornot-broken status?

 2. Is there no way to "commit" a set of database changes so
    that the database doesn't have to be left in a broken state
    during moves?  (Maybe I'm just spoiled using Subversion...)

1. You can not know before but you can monitor the irc channel #gentoo-commits on freenode or the gentoo-commits mailing list. So you know which changes are done to the portage tree. Be careful this will cause heavy traffic to your inbox.

2. I don't know if this is doable in one go. The gentoo package maintainer adds the ebuild to its new place and removes it from its old. When this is done he changes the other ebuilds pointing to the old locations. He also makes an entry in $PORTDIR/profiles/updates so the /var/db/pkg is updated accordingly for already installed packages.



As alternative you can also monitor: http://cia.vc/stats/project/gentoo
gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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