On Thu, 26 Jun 2008 20:00:03 -0400
Chris Walters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA512
> Neil Bothwick wrote:
> | On Thu, 26 Jun 2008 18:29:31 -0400, Chris Walters wrote:
> |
> |> P.S.  I wish people would stop discussing the subject of cryptology
> |> into the ground.  I ended my discussion.
> |
> | Mailing list threads are like children, you create them but soon
> lose | control of them :)
> Hi Neil,
> Actually, if a theory I read about in theoretical physics is true -
> that is that all events that have occurred, are occurring, and will
> occur coexist together, and that we only perceive them as being
> linear because our brains are not capable of experiencing "reality"
> any other way, then I already lost control of my children long before
> the first humans walked the Earth...
> It would also have some implications to cryptography, if we could
> somehow perceive the past or the future. :)
> Liked your tag line in the last message.  Did you save your time in a
> bottle? If not, it is lost, and if so, you can use it or sell
> it...lol.
> Regards,
> Chris
I know this is very OT but could you perhaps send me a link of that
article?I did not know Kant was now in physics.
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