080629 Alan McKinnon wrote:
> Doesn't that give you a huge world file ...

No: of course, I 'emerge -1' when the pkg is not marked 'W/S' in my pkg.ref.
Currently, 'world' lists  97  pkgs ; pkg.ref lists  513  pkgs.

> ... and no easy way to identify redundant and unused libs?

This is clear when a pkg is listed by 'eix-sync' but not 'emerge -Dup world':
then I can use 'equery d' to check whether anything depends on it.
If I remove a pkg by 'emerge -C', I move it to a "removed" list in pkg.ref
with the date I removed it & what it was installed for,
just in case something breaks (eg removing Ghostscript breaks printing):


  080113 sys-apps/setarch-2.0 [for util-linux : conflict]
  080301 x11-libs/motif-config-0.10-r2 [for openmotif : conflict]
  080419 sys-apps/mktemp-1.5 [for debianutils]
  080425 sys-libs/db-4.3.29-r2 [for python?]

This way, I should always know exactly what is installed & why:
if not, it's my own fault for being careless.
That power over my system a big reason for using Gentoo (smile).

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