On Thu, 03 Jul 2008 22:24:20 -0500
Dale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> After getting the mailing list working I did some techy shopping.  I
> got me a new DVD burner and k3b does not like large files.  I used
> Kbackup to create a tarball of my data.  K3b gives me a error saying
> the file is to large.  I did some googling and searched around on the
> forums, even posted on one thread, but I can not figure out how to
> get this thing to burn.  Will it just not burn large files or what?

Hey, Dale!
Nice to see you back!

I believe it means your archive is too big for the media disk you.

Are you trying to write 4.7[GiB] on a 4.7[GB] DVD disc?

4.7 GB  (giga) = 4.7 x 10^9 = 4700000000   (DVD media disc capacity)
4.7 GiB (gibi) = 4.7 x 2^30 = 5046586572.8 (the "too large" file)

"Gibi" is often incorrectly called "giga" which leads to confusions.

Best regards,
gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

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