On Tue, 2008-07-22 at 11:16 +0800, Mark David Dumlao wrote:
> I'm sorry, I wasnt clear in my original post.
> When using gnome in ubuntu, clicking the sort by name in nautilus
> sorts using
> [Aa]-[Zz]
> When using gnome in gentoo, clicking the sort by name in nautilus
> yields
> A-Z-a-z.
> The same thing happens for coreutils ls, and so on.
Not for me.

> Is there any file or configuration I have to check to use case
> insensitive sorting
> in gnome?

Check your LC_ALL environment variable.

[~]$ LC_ALL=en_US ls
total 56K
4.0K bin/        4.0K exclude    4.0K Private/   4.0K Templates/
4.0K Desktop/    4.0K Media/     4.0K Projects/  4.0K Virtual_Machines/
4.0K Documents/  4.0K Music/     4.0K python/
4.0K Downloads/  4.0K Pictures/  4.0K Python/
[~]$ LC_ALL=C ls
total 56K
4.0K Desktop/    4.0K Music/     4.0K Python/            4.0K exclude
4.0K Documents/  4.0K Pictures/  4.0K Templates/         4.0K python/
4.0K Downloads/  4.0K Private/   4.0K Virtual_Machines/
4.0K Media/      4.0K Projects/  4.0K bin/

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