Sven Köhler wrote:
So what's the answer? How do i do it properly? How do i tell xorg-x11 to use "de" layout for all hot-plugged keyboards? Because gdm offers no keyboard-settings, as far as i know. And since my keyboard is "qwertz", i see a "y" when typing a "z" in gdm. gnome settings kick in AFTER logging in - so that's pretty useless for gdm.

In xorg.conf, try this:

  Section "InputDevice"
      Identifier "Keyboard1"
      Driver     "evdev"
      Option     "AutoRepeat" "250 30"
      Option     "XkbRules"   "xorg"
      Option     "XkbModel"   "evdev"
      Option     "XkbLayout"  "de"

Make sure the keyboard is used in the "ServerLayout" section:

  Section "ServerLayout"
      # ...
      InputDevice "Keyboard1" "CoreKeyboard"

For a Gnome panel you may have to emerge some package. At least for KDE, the "Keyboard Layouts" entry in KDE's control panel was missing until I emerged kxkb. If you get the Gnome config panel to work, you must select "evdev device" or similar, not "pc104". If you don't need to switch between layouts (DE to US and back), you don't need the Gnome panel at all. The entry in xorg.conf is enough.

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