On AD 2008 July 30 Wednesday 03:49:23 PM -0700, Grant wrote:
> I can't figure out where the device file is.  With the scanner
> connected and powered on I did an 'updatedb && locate scanner' and it
> didn't come up with anything in /dev, I don't have a /dev/usb/
> directory, and the output of 'ls /dev/usb*' is the same with the
> scanner on or off.  Any idea where that file might be?   Those two
> commands also don't mention it.

Another way to get info is to power on the scanner and plug it in, then
`modprobe -r` the appropriate kernel module(s) and then modprobe them
while doing `tail -F /var/log/messages`.  The kernel (udev) will create the
appropriate /dev entries upon successful modprobe.

In order for your user to be registered as a member of a group you have
to log completely out (including your X session) and back in.  You can
verify your group memberships with the groups command.  Judging from
what you've said I bet it was merely an issue of adding your user to the
scanner or usb group.  My experience with usb scanners is they generally
just work whereas when I start up my SCSI scanner I always have to
remodprobe the kernel drivers and then `chown :scanner /dev/sg?  &&
chmod 0770 /dev/sg?`, but there's probably a better (right) way to do
that. :-)


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