Alan E. Davis ha scritto:
Thanks to advice on this list I have a reasonably stable system now, and it's time to get hands dirty. I have more GB of collected files than I can fit into my ~/ home directory, so I am planning to link several partitions to ~/ in an effort to organize this mass.

1. How could one reasonably link a subdir of a partition as a subdir or folder of one's ~/, for example, /dev/sdd3/VIDEO (partition on that partition called VIDEO) as a subdirectory, ~/VIDEO? I want ~/VIDEO to behave identically as it would if it were on the same partition as ~/ . At least to the greatest extent possible. I have seen some arcane arrangement somewhere, but to what extent is that necessary to do? I would rather avoid having to mount the entire parition as a subdir, and then have to access, for example, ~/ARCHIVE/VIDEO.

What's wrong with using symbolic links?


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