On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 10:44:43AM -0500, Albert Hopkins wrote:
> The easiest thing to do would be to migrate system, P2V, as is.  I dont'
> know what virtual server software you are using, but there are tools to
> do this (plus with Linux it's easy enough doing manually).
> Aside from that if you actually want to re-build the box from scratch,
> I'd copy the /etc/make.conf, /etc/portage/* and /var/lib/portage/world
> file over and, after performing a stageX install, do a "emerge -va `cat
> world`"

I am migrating from an amd64 based colo server to a linode system that
is not amd64, so I don't think most of the automated methods would work,
although I could be wrong...
  Matthew Daubenspeck

Gentoo Linux x86_64 Dual Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 165
11:47:52 up 273 days, 2:35, 4 users, load average: 0.09, 0.03, 0.01

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