Hi there,

I have a PS3 running Gentoo Linux and build mplayer by hand, because there is no ebuild for it which accommodates the PS3-vo (mplayer video-out module optimised for the Cell).

Since some changes to the way dvdread & dvdnav are installed for mplayer svn I have had problems playing DVDs. Previously this worked fine.

Currently mplayer compiles fine but in my configure.log I get complaints about missing files dvdio.h cdio.h & dvd.h

I am surprised about cdio.h & dvd.h being unfound, as you can see from the below that they're in /usr/include:

  $ locate dvdio.h cdio.h dvd.h
/home/stroller/Sources/mplayer/stream/.svn/text-base/ stream_dvd.h.svn-base /home/stroller/Sources/mplayer/libdvdcss/.svn/prop-base/ bsdi_dvd.h.svn-base /home/stroller/Sources/mplayer/libdvdcss/.svn/text-base/ bsdi_dvd.h.svn-base

Could anyone tell me where all 3 files are on their systems (by updating the slocate database & running the above command?) and which packages provide them, please? (`equery b /path/to/file`?)

Thanks in advance,


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