Hi all,

don't quite know how to describe this one, but it's really annoying!

My gnome panels are somehow remembering two sets of settings (by
settings I mean applet placement, etc).

If I move a panel applet (lets say the notification area) from the far
right to the far left, it moves as expected.  But then if I move the
mouse away and over the panel again, the notification area is back
before I moved it.  Moving the mouse away and back again continually
swaps the position of the notification area!

This happens with moving any applet.  Removing or adding applets however
affects both "instances".  This is really annoying because it has
straing side effects for menus, window lists, and pop-up things (like
the calendar).

I've tried deleting all panels:
$ gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel
$ rm -rf .gconf/apps/gnome-settings/gnome-panel/
$ killall gnome-panel

and they come back with the default layout, but the problem is still

I do have two displays, using separate X screens, so I don't know if
that has anything to do with it.  I haven't found anything on google
about this either...

thanks for any help!
Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

Time as he grows old teaches all things.
                -- Aeschylus

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