Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
> On Freitag, 15. August 2008, Alan McKinnon wrote:
>> Oddly enough, 3D is very very snappy. It's the 2D stuff that cripples the
>> performance, and on a desktop, 2D is exactly what you want.
> AFAIK the problem is that the 8XXX series doesn't really have 2d hardware 
> anymore - everything is done in the 3d part - and the drivers to support that 
> are harder to write than anticipated.

I'm running two boxes, gentoo (~x86 OC-3GHz Q9300) and a kubuntu (0804
Q6600), each with 8600GTS and KDE 3.5.9.  Desktop performance (3840x1200
and 1920x1200) is fine.  I'm hoping that KDE4.x doesn't hit ~x86 until
the nvidia drivers are fixed, otherwise I'll be in the market for new GPUs.

Also I recently replaced a blown eVGA 7600GT (5 caps popped) in my
LinuxMCE system with a 9800GT.  This system mainly uses libxine for
playing ripped DVDs with upscaling to 1080p.  So far (only viewed 3
movies) performance is looking good.

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