
I've a strange problem with  my root partion:

 # du -hxs /
188M    /


# du -hx --max-dep=1 /
24M     /root
4.0K    /cdrom
19M     /etc
76K     /.nvclock
12K     /media
100K    /chroot
4.0K    /home
4.0K    /usr
1.9M    /package
5.5M    /bin
4.0K    /windows2
125M    /lib
4.0K    /service
4.0K    /opt
4.0K    /var
4.0K    /command
12M     /sbin
4.0K    /tmp
0       /dev
1.3M    /lost+found
0       /proc
4.0K    /boot
4.0K    /mnt
4.0K    /windows
40K     /.subversion
0       /sys
4.0K    /boot2
188M    /

but when I run df:
df -h               
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3             2.0G  640M  1.3G  35% /

the difference between du and df is about 640 - 188 = 452 MB. and "df" is 
showing  that my root is full  2.4 times more than "du".

which one is the correct one? I've another server that this difference is 
about 7 GiG and on that server root is 80% full.  The type of partition is 

Do others have this kind of inconsistancy on their systems?

Best regards

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