
I have a system that started out running on an AMD K6II 450MHz processor....About 3 months ago, it was upgraded to a Phenom. The process was pretty painless, recompile kernel, install new hardware, reboot, rebuild network drivers etc alter C(XX)FLAGS and emerge -e world....

Now I have a system that flies, but I want to be able to use 64Bit VMware guests...so, I am quite sure I need to have a 64bit system for VMWare server to allow this...

I have two theories about how to go about this.....no1, install esx 3i on a spare drive, make a 32bit Linux guest and point it's drives at the raw partitions I have now :) no2, alter make.conf to 64bit flags, and emerge -e world --buildpkgonly then reboot into a 64bit live cd, and emerge -e world --usepkgonly which should give me a working system....Obviously the kernel and network drivers would also need rebuilding at this point again....

   Will no 2 work?

I don't really want to go the route of 1 as I will need a windows box for the esx admin, and if I was putting esx on this machine, I would want to have more storage first and manage the esx storage properly, rather than using raw drives.......

Comments? Ideas?


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