On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 12:34:00PM +0400, Penguin Lover Andrew Gaydenko 
> I have a very short (probably one or few frames) avi file (display geometry 
> test image). How to stretch the avi in time to long period (say, minutes)? 
> Software? Steps?

If you worry just about display, look at the -fps option in mplayer,
it lets you dictate the frame rate at which the movie is played.
(Though on this box here it doesn't let you stretch to ftime more than
1 sec....) 

A possibly better way is to (assuming your video file has really few

  mplayer -vo jpeg <videofile>

beware that if your video file has more than a few seconds, the number
of frames can really pile up and give you a whole bunch of files. 

Then you can reencode the avi thus

  mencoder "mf://000*jpg" -mf fps=<insert frame rate> -o <outputfile>.avi -ovc 
lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4

(you can, of course, encode in the codec of your choosing). The files
000*jpg are the default filenames for the output of the first command.
If you specified output file names in the first command, you need to
change the input filenames for the second. For fps insert a number
corresponding to what you want: for example, say you have 5 frames and
want to stretch it to 2 minutes, then set


(number of frames divided by the amount of total run time). 

Hope this helps, 

Marten: That's like rule number one of dating-if the lady tells you
    she wants to wait, you wait. Even if it means you get blueballed
    so hard your nuts travel into the future due to relativistic effects. 
Dora: Ah, the Hawking Libido Dilation Effect. Bane of frustrated young
    men and physicists alike.
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