Dale wrote:
pat wrote:

Well, I found "DontVTSwitch" and set it to "off" in the X.org keyboard section
but doesn't help. Is it what you have meant?



That may be one but there is also this one:

#    Option    "NoTrapSignals"

# Uncomment this to disable the <Crtl><Alt><Fn> VT switch sequence
# (where n is 1 through 12).  This allows clients to receive these key
# events.

I think if it is not there, it will work. Basically, it is disabled by default. I don't have that line at all in my file and it works fine.

I also recall having a "issue" once before and it was a video driver problem. . That was a long time ago tho. What I got was a black screen. If I went from the GUI to console, I couldn't go back without restarting X. This is most likely your problem but thought it would be worth a mention just in case.

Hope that helps.


:-)  :-)

Typo: 1: For some reason it didn't like to go from the resolution my GUI is set at to the one the console runs at *and back*. 2: This is most likely *NOT* your problem but thought it would be worth a mention just in case.

I need to sleep.  -_-


:-) :-)

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