On Sat, Sep 13, 2008 at 01:49, Nikos Chantziaras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hilco Wijbenga wrote:
>> I have a very small virtual server (just 64MB RAM, no swap) where I'm
>> trying to install Gentoo. It fails to emerge binutils due to out of
>> memory. According to the handbook I need 64MB RAM and 256MB swap as a
>> bare minimum so this result is not entirely unexpected.
>> Given that I can't add a swapfile (simply not possible in this virtual
>> server) is the only option more RAM? If yes, then what is the minimum?
>> Are there ways to reduce the amount of memory used by emerge?
> 64MB is not enough, not by any stretch of the imagination.  Not for running
> the system, but for emerge.  512MB should be there for building with -O2.
>  At *least* 384MB.  You'll have a hard time compiling the compiler itself
> though; RAM usage with -O2 goes up to 700MB.

I assume you mean RAM + swap? Because I have a virtual machine
(VirtualBox) on my home box with 256MB which works perfectly
(including compiling GCC multiple times). It does have lots of swap,

> With that being said, you can minimize RAM usage by using -O1, or even -O0
> to switch off the optimizer completely.  The runtime speed of the built
> programs won't be to your liking though.

I've never tried not using -O2. Is the difference really that noticeable?

> The only real option is to get more RAM.

That means paying more. :-) I don't want to do that until I'm sure
this virtual box satisfies my requirements.

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