On Tuesday 16 September 2008 21:42:09 David Leverton wrote:
> 2008/9/16 Neil Bothwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I didn't say they were.You're never going to convince Volker, but you may
> > well have succeeded in discouraging others from try Paludis.
> On what grounds?  "The Paludis developers don't like being lied about,
> therefore I won't use Paludis"?  I don't think the sort of person who
> would use that logic (presumably someone who intends to lie about the
> developers of his package manager) is the kind of person we want as a
> user anyway.

That is not for you to decide. The user - ANY user - is free to decide what 
software they want to run and under what conditions, free from irrelevant 
judgements of "suitability" from self-appointed arbiters of <whatever>.

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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