On 17 Sep 2008, at 00:27, b.n. wrote:
In any case, even if r0bertz is a clueless idiot, the only sane approach is even in this case to calmly and rationally explain (or providing links to information) why what he was doing was, in your opinion, wrong.

To be completely fair, if you deal with other peoples' problems on IRC on a regular basis then you will know the number of idiots to be quite staggering. There is an unending supply of them - if only we could fuel automobiles with idiocy! - and always another one ready to pop out the woodwork the moment you've dealt with the last one. It is staggering how many questions on IRC can be answered with a simple Google.

IRC is an informal medium and maybe someone just had a bad day.

I'm not saying the reaction of the devs in that IRC log was right - I'd probably get the hump, too, if I were the subject of such rude dismissal - but maybe treating the user that way was an understandable mistake on the devs part.

In many ways being told you're an idiot is better than simply being ignored, because at least it gives you the chance to say, "ooops, am i? can you explain what i did wrong, please?"

Finally, I might add that the log we've seen posted was taken without any context. Perhaps the user is known on the channel for his idiocy, for winding the devs up, for asking stupid questions on a daily basis and not listening to advice given? We don't know.


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