On Thursday 18 September 2008 03:24:47 b.n. wrote:
> > The only case I can think of where _really_ problems might arise is the
> > (very rare) situation which I had described: That the ./configure script
> > of X builds X without errors but also without support for Y if only 1.2.2
> > of Y is installed:
> > Then neither later upgrading of Y nor revdep-rebuild will show anything
> > suspicious, although X does not behave in the intended way.
> Very clear, thanks.
> This is, technically, a bug in the ./configure ,however, isn't it?

That's my thinking too. The correct action would be to patch the ./configure 
and submit the patches upstream so everyone benefits. But it's not always so 

For example, I build e17 from svn and keep my own custom overlay for it. Most 
packages have --enable- options but some features are automagically detected 
at configure time, which leads to the exact problem described above, and it 
has happened to me. So it's not a theoretical possibility but a real (albeit 
rare) one.

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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