On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 6:28 PM, Andrey Vul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 5:55 PM, Kevin O'Gorman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 10/8/08, Dirk Heinrichs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>  > > Am Mittwoch 08 Oktober 2008 04:23:35 schrieb ext Kevin O'Gorman:
>>>  > > Why did you choose Gentoo, then? Only by compiling OOo, you will get 
>>> one
>>>  > > that fits into _your_ system.
>> For me, the reasons are
>> 1. I wanted Gentoo for the toolchain and the things I'm developing.
>> These are the things where I wanted support tailored to my 2xXeon (4
>> core) system.
>> 2. I've been using Oo-bin because it worked, and efficiency didn't
>> matter because
>> I don't even use it every week.  Compiling it takes a day or so and
>> accordingly it was spending more time compiling than I was spending
>> using it.  Now it no longer works and I'll probably use Word on my
>> wife's laptop.  But I won't like it.
> Your system is 4 core and it takes a day to compile OOo? Something
> sounds very off.
> Honestly, my 3 year old laptop which has 1 core and a 1.8 GHz Turion
> with 2GB of DDR333 takes 4 hours to compile.
> What are you running apart from emerge (e.g. X, firefox, etc.)?
> --
> Andrey Vul

This is a 6-year-old desktop, 1.6 GHz, 2 GB original DDR memory.

I run KDE and sometimes a bunch of compute-bound research tasks of my
own creation.

I haven't compiled it in so long I may be confusing it with gnome or
KDE or any of that collection of things that monopolize my machine
from time to time.  A couple of years back I went to 'bin' on things I
don't use much, and did some trimming on modular packages like KDE to
cut down my emerge times.  There are just so many times when I want to
break in to fool with some hardware and I'm loath to do it during an
emerge.  I just think of these measures as saving me days of emerging
from time to time.

++ kevin

Kevin O'Gorman, PhD

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