On Friday 24 October 2008 19:42:57 BRM wrote:
> They have a nice little site up at the www.gentoo-wiki.com site with all
> the grewsome details of what is going on. So as he said, please go there
> for the latest news.

What I want to know is why there are no off-site backups.

The site is on a machine that is rented from somebody else who hires rack 
space from another party. This is just begging for a disaster, or data being 
held hostage. Which is what happened according to the write up at that 
address. It's also a single point of failure.

I have a response to that site owner and most here are not going to like it:

You are an idiot. This is an elementary error and you fully deserve what has 
happened. Now stop whinging about how the big bad nasty terrible person is 
treating you and actually take some responsibility for your own mistakes.

Wasn't this wiki also 0wned and defaced sometime in the last year?

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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