2008/10/28 Helmut Jarausch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> anyhow I managed to get a mess of blockings when trying to emerge kde
> packages. (might be that has something to do with the recent downgrade
> from  3.5.10-r* to 3.5.9)
> Just one example:
> trying to emerge e.g. konsole:3.5  I get
> "kde-base/kdebase-kioslaves:3.5" is blocking kde-base/kdebase-3.5.9-r4
> but I cannot see any negative DEPEND either in the ebuilds of
> kdebase-kioslaves nor kdebase-3.5.9-r4
> So, what went wrong here?
> Many thanks for a hint,

Do you have any package which belongs kde-meta with ~x86 keywords?
I remember I wanted to reemerge few package on my system few weeks ago
and I had some kde package with ~x86 and I got lot of blocking
The solution: I don't use kde package with ~x86.

I hope I could help.


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--  Csanyi Andras  -- http://sayusi.hu -- Sayusi Ando
--  "Bízzál Istenben és tartsd szárazon a puskaport!".-- Cromwell

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