Am Friday 31 October 2008 10:54:23 schrieb Matthias Bethke:
> Hi Albert,
> on Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 03:11:04PM -0400, you wrote:
> > ... but Jorge is right.  This is easily picked up by a lint tool... and
> > good python programmers use them ;-).  Some python-aware editors even
> > have this functionality built in.
> Whow...I've been out of Python long enough to totally forget that you
> *needed* to do this. In Perl, the "use strict" you find at the top of
> every well-written script does it at compile time.

Yeah, let's continue to bash Python, which is such a badly broken language 
nobody wants to use it productively, because other languages offer so much 
better functionality to test for programmer error at compile time. Perl is a 
brilliant example to mention in this context.

Seriously: dynamic typing is a blessing, (only!) when combined with strict 
typing (where Perl doesn't [really] have the latter, even when use strict is 
in effect). Having to declare variables before use mostly is irrelevant (I'm 
not talking about _defining_ variables before use), because it's no common 
source of bugs.

At least that's my 5 cents.

Heiko Wundram

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