James Homuth wrote:
There are several packages that were thrown around on the list, or versions
of packages, that I've come across that I figure I might want to take an
active interest in. However, to avoid sending my boxes into a tailspin, I'm
staying away from installing the still in development versions.

in development according to whom?

What I'd
like to know though is if there's some means of knowing if/when, as an
example, a newer version of Portage is supposed to be considered stable.

So long as you have ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=x86 (or any arch, but not ~arch) then it's gentoo stable. Generally this means no (or insignificant) bugs for about 30 days, and no unstable / masked deps.

Note this has nothing to do with upstream stable, which is defined by upstream.

Given the keywords above, if you can install it, it's considered stable!

not then I can always keep an eye on the relevant RSS feeds, but it was
mostly just curiosity on my part. Thanks either way.

worthwhile for getting juicy info like --keep-going but otherwise not really necessary.

Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

Alea iacta est.
        [The die is cast]
                -- Gaius Julius Caesar

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