On Monday 10 November 2008 02:39:47 Christer Ekholm wrote:
> Alan McKinnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I need to disable job control on a machine with 650+ users because way
> > too many of them believe that Ctrl-Z is how you kill processes. So, I
> > want Ctrl-Z to basically do nothing. I've found a great solution:
> >
> > set +m
> One other way could perhaps be to tell the terminal not to send suspend
> on Ctrl-Z keypress
>   stty susp undef

Contrary to my expectations, this suggestion worked a treat :-)

I'd explored stty previously - unfortunately I don't remember the exact 
invocations I used - and wasn't happy with the outcome.

Thanks for the tip!

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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