Harry Putnam wrote:
> I posted some output in anther thread concerning update world
>  (Subject: How to fix a hefty (emerge) blocking problem)
> Someone noticed I had too many x11 drivers installed and suggested I
> set the /etc/make.conf VIDEO_CARDS variable (which I never have set
> before)
> I figured out I have an nvidia card so set VIDEO_CARDS="nv"
> Now with my emerge -vuDN @system @world complete I'm unable to start
> X. (More on that later in a separate thread)
> << SNIP >>
> Whats all that for?
> Checking dependancies on a few I see:
> dep -l x11-drivers/xf86-video-voodoo:
>    ! x11-base/xorg-x11-6.9
> on all I checked.
> What can this mean?

Give this a shot:


You can do a emerge -p xorg-x11 to see which ones are available.  It's
lists them for you, also lists the USE flags too. 


:-)  :-) 

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