Volker Armin Hemmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> But why attacking Dirk for his valid question? The OP has complained
> in two threads about compiling. If you don't like compiling, gentoo
> is not for you.

If Dirk wants to ask a question about why people should not use gentoo
if they don't like to compile KDE, let him start a thread about it.
Don't hijack a thread about getting rid of the various components.

(and what was the other complaint you mention?)

And anyway a moments thought would have given him the answer. There is
no mystery there, 

That someone finds gentoo worthwhile even though they don't like the
time sink involved in compiling kde is not mysterious or hard to
understand. It wasn't an innocent `gosh I'm just interested' question.

OP wrote:

> I've decided to stop using KDE after yrs of use... given that gentoo
> compiles everything from scratch, its just getting to much time lost
> jacking around with kde during upgrades.

That is not a complaint.  Just a statement of fact.

And let me repeat.  Not liking to compile lengthy things does not make
gentoo wrong for me.  It's not up to you to decide that for me.

Armin wrote:

> besides, he is one of the more knowledgeable persons on this list -
> you shall not fight with them, you loose to many helpfull answers
> that way.

That's true and god knows I've needed plenty of help over the yrs, but
there comes a point where wiseass, off subject, putdowns need to be
dealt with.  

Dirks style is to pull out some piece of a query and then take off on
that instead of dealing with the subject.  It derails the thread as
you've seen

I've gotten lots of good answers from you about a host of subjects and
I thank you for it.  They've been well appreciated. I don't recall any
of your responses asking pointless questions not on subject that
derail the thread either.  They've been short and to the point.
Usually cutting right to the chase.

But it seems people here have a sore point about compiling.  Any
mention of it being time consuming or a right pain in the butt, brings
out commentary about how gentoo is not for that person.

You may like the advantages compiling from scratch holds for you... so
you do it gladly.  Does not mean you have to like it.

Do you actually like compiling?... You like taking hours and hours to
get a current system if you fall behind?  I really doubt that.  So you
make adjustments to deal with it.  Compiling at night, ditching hefty
items that are not really that useful, etc etc.

Kde no longer holds enough useful advantages for me to put up with the
compiling.  Simple as that... no underlying dig about gentoo there.
No need to respond that gentoo is not for me.

I have a good idea of what gentoo is about, You might have seen my
name here for yrs now.  Its still a pain in that butt to loose hours
and hours to compile KDE.  So I ditched it.  Finding all I need in

You may not have seen the first post, but I gave a clear reason as to
what I was up to in the very first message:

OP wrote:
> I've decided to stop using KDE after yrs of use... given that gentoo
> compiles everything from scratch, its just getting to much time lost
> jacking around with kde during upgrades.
> But also I'd forgotten what the oldtime linux desktops were like.
> fvwm was the main one in use when I started circa 1997.
> I see blackbox is even a bit more stark... but since I am mainly
> command line oriented it doesn't present a problem.

 [...] And then on to the question about getting rid of

Its completely obvious there what is going on.  I'm moving to a
desktop more in keeping with my mostly commandline way of working.  

Yrs ago I started using KDE for what seems a small reason.  You could
pull stuff around in the pager. A feature I was used to from using
fvwm. But fvwm was falling out of use in redhat about that time.
Gnome and KDE were the desktops easiest to get working then.

(Gentoo didn't exist yet at that time ( I don't think ) Not even Enoch
was available yet.)

But in the early days of GNOME its pager did not have that capability.
You had to change to the other desktop to move an application or
xterm so I chose kde because I liked the pager better.

After that I just got used to using kde.  When I moved to gentoo
several yrs ago I stayed with kde 

Now I'm rediscovering the simplicity of a desktop like blackbox.  (And
you can move stuff around in its pager to boot)

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