On Thu, 2008-11-20 at 09:07 +0900, William Kenworthy wrote:
> This is driving me crazy - firefox3 jumping windows whenever I click on
> a URL in evolution.
> >From some emails I found on the gnome lists, it appears to be a design
> change in metacity that was reverted due to (firefox3) user outcry
> However, I have two systems with the same gnome/metacity/firefox
> versions that behave differently - both old installs (~1999 and 2002)
> but otherwise up to date.  Ive rebuilt metacity a couple of times and
> firefox has been through a few upgrades - rebooted but no change :( One
> jumps, one doesnt which implies it may be a config option somewhere.
> Its possible it can be fixed by deleting the .gnome stuff, but I dont
> want to do this unless I have to ...
> BillK

No need to delete .gnome to find out: create a new user and log in with
that one.


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