"Andrey Vul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 2008-11-21, Harry Putnam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> "Andrey Vul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>  > Result of startx &> xlog; cat xlog :
>>  > hostname: Host name lookup failure
>> I'm not sure how much this may help you problem.  But have you made
>>  changes to your /etc/hosts file recently.  You might post the first
>>  line of it here.
> First line:
>       localhost
> Note: this is the first line on both the computer currently running
> KDE 4 and the one failing to run KDE 4.

Do the contents of /etc/conf.d/hostname
and                 /etc/conf.d/domainname

have similar kind of information on both machines?.

I once had quite a lot of trouble with sendmail and a helpful poster
here told me to fix /etc/hosts like this:      reader.local.lan        reader     localhost    reader.local.lan        reader

The advice pertained to the first line above.  The second was my own

Below is a note from my hosts file showing the origin of the tip.

  # From: Heinz Sporn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  # Subject: Re: Why does sendmail think its hosts name is `localhost'
  # Newsgroups: gmane.linux.gentoo.user
  # Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2006 07:37:08 +0100
  # Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  # [HP 02/07/06 02:37  Trying a tip from Heinz Sporn - switching
  ##   localhost   reader to
  ##   reader      localhost .. I think he's on to 
  ## something... we'll see.]
  #            localhost       reader 

I haven't had a host lookup issue for quite a long time as you can see
by the date in the post.

But this may not be very helpful for your current problem.  However
host lookup trouble can be quite hard to diagnose.

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