Am Montag, den 24.11.2008, 16:12 +0200 schrieb GMail:
> On Monday 24 November 2008 08:28:33 Dirk Heinrichs wrote:
> > @William: If one or more of the PVs is a Network Block Device, you're not
> > bound to the local machine.
You could also use iSCSI. On your client you'll get SCSI-device-nodes
(/dev/sdx) which you can use as PVs. It's very fast and reliable.

> How does it cope with network outages though? In my experience, LVM is not 
> exactly graceful when one of it's PVs goes away
My experience too :(
After reconnecting to the iSCSI-target I have to

# vgchange -a n vg-iscsi
# vgchange -a y vg-iscsi

to get my devices in /dev/vg-iscsi/* to work again (during disconnection
they keep existing, but are not usable with misleading error messages).

When using iSCSI-devices you should use /dev/disk/by-path/<taget-id> and
not /dev/sdx, as these device names can change.


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