Ricardo Saffi Marques schrieb:
> Justin wrote:
> > You can look this up yourself:
> You bet I did it. I'm not a noob!
> That's why I ended up coming here to ask if any of you knew anything
> about it.
> The eix-update-remote part I didn't know. Thanks, will give it a try.
> > or search bugzilla
> I did it from the website. http://bugs.gentoo.org
> Nothing.
> > or just google.
> I even searched from the Gentoo Forums, but found nothing about it.
> That's when I considered that someone from the list could have already
> dealt with it.
> Anyway, thanks for answering.
> Regards,
> Saffi
Take a look into the INSTALL.txt. Is written there what to do and which
deps are requiered. Additionally fill a ebuild request bug at b.g.o.
Next saturday it is bugday, I will try to get time to solve it then.

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