On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 2:16 PM, Nikos Chantziaras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Steve wrote:
>> [...]
>> Sure, I could use IPtables to block all these bad ports... or... I could
>> disable password authentication entirely... but I keep thinking that
>> there has to be something better I can do... any suggestions?
> I'm using DenyHosts to battle this.  It adds the IPs to /etc/hosts.deny
> after a configurable amount of failed logins.  It even downloads an online
> list of IPs where attacks originate from and uploads attacks to your box to
> this list too (if you allow it in the configuration).
> After I installed this, no more brute-forcing :)  I used to have thousands
> per day.
> http://www.denyhosts.net
> It's in portage.

The big botnet attacks are doing no more than 2 login attempts per IP,
making stuff like denyhosts hard to use (unless you set it to ban
after 1 login attempt, but that'll catch real users who make a typo)

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