> e17 doesn't like transparency and compiz-style effects. You can get it to work
> with the bling module or by using a compositing manager like xcompmgr or a
> derivative, but I found it wasn't exactly stable on nVidia. You may have
> better luck with ATI.

Going offtopic, I for myself don't care about "fancy" eye-candy at
all. I consider it futile. For example, my Xfce (with all compositing
effects disabled) looks beautiful enough, and is fast, lightweight,
customizable, simple and understandable.
The things I miss from e17 are that e17 is even more configurable (you
can configure what keyboard+mouse combination resizes a windows, for
example, while on Xfce it seems hardwired to <alt>right-click, while I
would prefer to use <alt>middle-click, since I often have to use GNOME
and would like to use the same shortcuts), and even more lightweight
(disk space, memory, speed) than Xfce.

I should give e17 another try when it gets a little more stable, or
when at least Vapier finds the time to update the snapshot ebuilds
(which, last time I checked, were horribly outdated).

    Jorge Peixoto

Software is like sex: it is better when it is free - Linus Torvalds

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