On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 3:55 PM, Volker Armin Hemmann
<volker.armin.hemm...@tu-clausthal.de> wrote:
> On Donnerstag 11 Dezember 2008, Paul Hartman wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 11:10 AM, James <wirel...@tampabay.rr.com> wrote:
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > I've been looking for an ATI graphics card
>> > with a water cooling system built in. I'm very
>> > tired of listen to the roar of a video card fan.
>> >
>> > Any suggestions? It does not need to be the latest
>> > smokin card, just reasonable at video games
>> > and quite as can be.  R580 engine or above.
>> > Low dB is the primary concern, but it must be decent at video
>> > games. (PCI express 16) is the slot it must fit into.
>> >
>> > I prefer ATI over nvidia.
>> >
>> > After days of googling and nothing attractive
>> > (sub 200 USD) and pre assembled, I'm more open
>> > to the cost effectiveness of DIY. Any suggestions
>> > are most appreciated. Your experiences with DIY
>> > water cooled video cards and your happiness with
>> > such endeavors is of keen interest to me, regardless
>> > of the type of video card.
>> It's not ATI or water cooled, but I got a GeForce 9600 with a giant
>> aftermarket heat sink preinstalled
>> (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814134050),
>> totally passive fanless and silent, for under $100 at the time I
>> bought it. I get steady 200fps at 1600x1200 in Sauerbraten, and FIFA
>> 09 plays nice and smooth in wine. Temperature readings have been
>> consistently low. I don't think water cooling is necessary if you're
>> not doing anything special to torture the card (unless you just want
>> to do it just for the fun of doing it, of course). I've gone the
>> fanless, heat sink route on 2 systems now and have had no problems at
>> all after having 2 video card fans die after less than 1 year each of
>> use.
> passive is nice - but you need good air movement throughout the case - or
> everything will warm uo a lot. So passive cooled card does not solve the noise
> problem - it just moves it to the case ventilation.

That's true, he only specifically asked about video card noise and
that's all I considered, I didn't even think about the case. I have a
gigantic case with numerous intake & ventilating fans and a nice warm
breeze blowing out of the back of it :) But, it's still quieter than
it was with the added noise of one extra fan. If he wants a totally
fanless system then obviously there is more to worry about.

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