On Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 11:49:50PM +0000, Penguin Lover Mick squawked:
> Is there a clever way to enter a string (rather than write a script file) so 
> that md5sum will check a whole series of files in one go and report success 
> or error;  I was thinking along the lines of if $value is ... then 
> md5sum -c ..., but my non-existent scripting knowledge won't take me any 
> further.  I want it to check a series of files named tokena, tokenb, 
> tokenc, ... , etc.
> -- 

Why not just a simple bash one-liner

for i in token{a..z}; do md5sum -c $i; done

AFAIK the md5sum will report success or failure for each of the
checksum lines in tokena, tokenb, etc. 

If this doesn't suit your needs, can you describe in more detail your
desired behaviour?


(04:01:59) W: yep
(04:02:02) W: I love linux
(04:02:15) NJYWT: I love penguins
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