On Sunday 14 December 2008 17:17:15 CJoeB wrote:
> Hi,
> As a Canadian, I subscribe to a loyalty program called Airmiles.  When I
> go into the Airmiles site, it does not display properly in Firefox, even
> though I have the Flash Player installed.  I just emerged Opera and the
> Air Miles site works just fine.  Is this a bug with Firefox and should I
> be reporting on the Firefox web site?
> And please, lets not get into a discussion of which browser is better.
> I like Firefox just fine and have never had any complaints about it
> until recently when Airiles must have updated their site and there must
> be (I assume) some incompatibility between their site and Firefox.  This
> site seems to be the only one that I've encountered where Flash doesn't
> work properly.

When I want to be kind to Adobe, I say that their Linux support for Flash just 
sucks. At other times I say ... um, never mind.

Adobe Flash sucks on Linux. What you are experiencing happens a lot to a lot 
of people. 

What version are you using? I got very good results upgrading to latest v10 
even though it's hard masked. And it's 64 bit so I don;t need all that 
wrapper stuff anymore

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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