Simon wrote:
Hi there,
long ago i installed a 2.6.24 kernel in /usr/src manually. I had added the
line "sys-kernel/vanilla-sources-2.6.24" (without quotes) to the file
/etc/portage/profile/package.provided.  There is no kernel in
/var/lib/portage/world... This may be related to the fact i recently moved my
make.profile to point to 2008 instead of 2007...

Now, I'm trying to do a simple `emerge -uDN world` and for some reason, the
nvidia-drivers keep trying to pull a gentoo-sources.  Here's the output of
`emerge -vpt nvidia-drivers`:
[ebuild U ] x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-96.43.09 [96.43.07] USE="gtk -acpi
-custom-cflags% (-multilib)" 7,067 kB
[ebuild N ] sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-2.6.27-r7 USE="-build -symlink" 0 kB

The main problem is i really lack diskspace (on my eeepc 4gb) and I can't
install that kernel (not even install and uninstall it).  Besides, I would
really like if emerge/portage could leave my kernel alone, completely.

NeddySeagon and Miravlix tried to help on #gentoo, i tried modifying the
.provided line to "virtual/linux-sources", didn't help. Tried putting a version
that corresponds to a valid ebuild (2.6.24 doesn't exist in portage) like
"sys-kernel/vanilla-sources-" but that didn't help either.

I've been able to hack my way around this problem for now (by masking the pkgs that were being updated that were pulling the kernel), but that is a dirty solution.

I would really want to make portage leave my kernel(s) alone, if anyone can help...

Thanks, Simon

How about specified sys-kernel/gentoo-sources instead of vanilla in package.provided. If the nvidia ebuild depends on gentoo-sources and not vanilla-sources...then naturally it will pull in gentoo no matter how many vanilla kernels you have.

I haven't tested any of that but it seems logical to me and might be worth a go :)



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