On Wed, 31 Dec 2008 16:18:55 -0600, Dale wrote:

> It is pretty big so I'll post a link. 
> http://www.phonedog.com/cell-phone-research/motorola-razr-v3i_user-manual.aspx

Worked OK here with kpdf-3.5.10, but I didn't try every page. an
you confirm which page causes the crash?

> This may also be a bas download.  In my searches on google, someone
> mentioned a bad/missing font could cause that but I got a lot of fonts
> installed on here.

Why are you downloading from a site like this when the first result from a
Google search for "motorola razr v3i user manual" is to a PDF on

Neil Bothwick

On a clear disk, you can seek forever.

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