That seems to be a poor subject for my question, so I reposted with
something more descriptive...

On Sat, Jan 03, 2009 at 07:17:41PM -0500, Michael George wrote:
> About a week ago I noticed a couple entries in /var/log/messages (as
> reported by logwatch) that seemed odd.  They have appeared a couple
> times since, but they don't appear at the same time in the logfile, but
> I think they happen on the same day.
> One of the entries is a Usage: message from dhcp, as though something
> tried to restart the DHCP server.
> The other is "Re-execs of init: 1 times".  I found some references to
> this on the 'net, but generally when discussing prelink.  I don't have
> prelink installed, though.
> I've checked the log file and nothing interesting happens just before or
> just after these messages.  I can't find any mention of dhcp or init in
> any of the cron files or logrotate files that might be starting it.
> There are no entries in /var/spool/cron/crontabs that might be doing it.
> Has someone cracked my system?


There are 10 kinds of people in this world:
        Those who can count in binary and those who cannot.

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